
ITC has been established by Dr. Cem Dener to provide management consultancy and training services for the development of innovative digital technology solutions that contribute to the progress towards a modern, democratic and secular information society in Turkey.

İleri Teknoloji Merkezi

In line with these goals,

The first significant contribution is the management consultancy, technological architecture development, change management and project coordination services provided at all stages of the say2000i Public Financial Management System project (1998-2002) carried out by the Turkish Ministry of Finance.



Following object oriented systems have been developed by a research team led by Dr. Dener while working at SAMTEK-ITC (1993-1996). System support activities for both systems have been discontinued since 2000.

Bilim Teknoloji ve Atatürk

Atatürk'ün Bilim ve Teknolojiye Verdiği Önemle İlgili Sözleri

We value professionalism, customer-oriented approach, planning & organization,
teamwork, continuous learning and sharing information
